
Zhuang is one of the 56 officially recognized ethnic groups of China, and Zhuang is recognized with official status at the provincial level in Guangxi. Linguistically part of the Tai branch of Tai-Kadai, Zhuang is actually refers to a cluster of languages, with the northern ones being closer to Bouyei in across the provincial line in Guizhou, and the southern ones being closer to the Tay language across the border in northern Vietnam. The Zhuang variety that the PRC government selected to be the basis of the official Zhuang language is that of Shuangqiao in Wuming County, which is a northern Zhuang variety.

The Bouyei-Zhuang-Tay-Nung cluster of languages belong to both Northern Tai (Bouyei and northern Zhuang) and Central Tai (southern Zhuang and Tay-Nung) branches. These languages are traditionally written in Sinographs (漢字), also known as Chinese characters, but nowadays romanization systems are the officially sanctioned writing systems, and use of Chinese characters has decreased, mainly being limited to informal usage. Chinese character usage has never been officially standardized in these languages, so usage of characters can vary from area to area and writer to writer, though in general, character usage seems to have been more consistent within Tay than the Zhuang varieties.

The romanization system for Standard Zhuang recognized in the PRC is a typical PRC Pinyin style romanization scheme, which reutilizes some of the principles of the Hanyu Pinyin in use for Standard Mandarin, but with many other features that will be unfamiliar to Hanyu Pinyin users, such as use of letters appended at the end of a syllable to indicate the tone, instead of the diacritic marks such as á and à. Lexxify Hub also has a Lexx Rom system romanization to help learners get used to pronouncing Zhuang; the Lexx Rom system on Lexxify Hub is made to be extremely consistent with the systems in place for other Tai languages such as Thai, Lao, and Shan.


IPA Zhuyin PRC Lexx Rom
p b p
ɓ 勺 mb ƀ
m m m
f f f
w 𠄡 v v
t d t
ɗ nd đ
n n n
θ 𠫔 s thh
l l l
k g k
ㄍ𠄡 gv kw
ŋ ng ng
h h h
ɣ ㆸ゚ r ghh
ɕ c sh
j y y
ɲ ny ñ
ŋʷ ㄫ𠄡 ngv ngw
ㄅ弋 by py
ㄍ弋 gy ky
ㄇ弋 my my

Typical of Northern Zhuang, there are no aspirated plosive consonants, but there is a distinction between the unaspirated /p/ and the implosive /ɓ/, as well as unaspirated /t/ and implosive /ɗ/. /w/ in the Zhuang-speaking area can often vary in realization with [β] or [v].


Plain Rimes

IPA Zhuyin PRC Lexx Rom
a aa
ɛ e ę
i i i
ɔ o ǫ
u u u
ɯ w ư
aːj ㄚㄧ ai aai
ɐj ハㄧ ae ai
ej ei ei
ɔi ㄛㄧ oi ǫi
uj ㄨㄧ ui ui
ɯi ㆨㄧ wi ưi
aːw au aao
ɐw ハㄨ aeu ao
ew ㄝㄨ eu ęo
iw ㄧㄨ iu iu
ɐɯ ハㆨ aw

/ɐ/ and /aː/ contrast in both height and length, as in Cantonese.

Nasal Coda Rimes

IPA Zhuyin PRC Lexx Rom
aːm am aam
ɐm ハㆬ aem am
ɛm ㄝㆬ em ęm
iəm ㄧ㇒ㆬ iem iam
im ㄧㆬ im im
ɔm om ǫm
om 卜ㆬ oem om
uəm ㄨ㇒ㆬ uem uam
um ㄨㆬ um um
aːn an aan
ɐn ハㄣ aen an
ɛn ㄝㄣ en ęn
iən ㄧ㇒ㄣ ien ian
in ㄧㄣ in in
ɔn on ǫn
on 卜ㄣ oen on
uən ㄨ㇒ㄣ uen uan
un ㄨㄣ un un
ɯən ㆨ㇒ㄣ wen ưan
ɯn ㆨㄣ wn ưn
aːŋ ang aang
ɐŋ ハㄥ aeng ang
ɛŋ ㄝㄥ eng ęng
iəŋ ㄧ㇒ㄥ ieng iang
ㄧㄥ ing ing
ɔŋ ong ǫng
卜ㄥ oeng ong
uəŋ ㄨ㇒ㄥ ueng uang
ㄨㄥ ung ung
ɯŋ ㆨㄥ wng ưng

Checked Coda Rimes

IPA Zhuyin PRC Lexx Rom
aːp ㄚㆴ ap aap
ɐp ハㆴ aep ap
ɛp ㄝㆴ ep ęp
iəp ㄧ㇒ㆴ iep iap
ip ㄧㆴ ip ip
ɔp ㄛㆴ op ǫp
op 卜ㆴ oep op
uəp ㄨ㇒ㆴ uep uap
up ㄨㆴ up up
aːt ㄚㆵ at aat
ɐt ハㆵ aet at
ɛt ㄝㆵ et ęt
iək ㄧ㇒ㆵ iet iat
it ㄧㆵ it it
ɔt ㄛㆵ ot ǫt
ot 卜ㆵ oet ot
uət ㄨ㇒ㆵ uet uat
ut ㄨㆵ ut ut
ɯət ㆨ㇒ㆵ wet ưat
ɯt ㆨㆵ wt ưt
aːk ㄚㆶ ak aak
ɐk ハㆶ aek ak
ɛk ㄝㆶ ek ęk
iək ㄧ㇒ㆶ iek iak
ik ㄧㆶ ik ik
ɔk ㄛㆶ ok ǫk
ok 卜ㆶ oek ok
uək ㄨ㇒ㆶ uek uak
uk ㄨㆶ uk uk
ɯk ㆨㆶ wk ưk


IPA Zhuyin PRC Lexx Rom
a˨˦ ㄚˏ (∅)
a˨˩ ㄚ˪ -z
ㄚˉ -j ā
a˦˨ ㄚˋ -x à
a˧˥ ㄚˊ -q á
ㄚˍ -h