
Khmer (Cambodian) is the official language of Cambodia. It forms its own Khmeric branch in the Austroasiatic language family, making it (somewhat distantly) related to Vietnamese, Mon, Khmu, Wa, Palaung, Khasi, Santali, Mundari, and other languages.

Within Cambodia, Central Khmer is the basis for the standard language. Northern Khmer is spoken north of the border in the southern part of Thailand's Isan region. Southern Khmer is spoken south of the border in Vietnam's Mekong Delta. Western Khmer is spoken in the Cardamom Mountains in western Cambodia. The dialect of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, also has a number of unique colloquial features that distinguish it from the standard language.

Khmer is written in the Khmer script, which is ultimately derived from the Indic Brahmi script through the southern branch. As such, it is useful for learners to learn some fundamental principles underlying the typical Indic script system.


Consonants in the Khmer script are organized into two series, the Ą Series and the Ǫ Series. The name refers to the vowel that the consonant takes as its inherent vowel, with Ą Series consonants taking /ɑː/ ( ~ /ɒː/) by default Ǫ Series consonants taking /ɔː/ by default.

Consonant Subscript Ancestral Indic Modern IPA Vowel Series Lexx Rom
្ក k k kɑː kąą
្ខ kʰɑː khąą
្គ ɡ k kɔː kǫǫ
្ឃ ɡʱ kʰɔː khǫǫ
្ង ŋ ŋ ŋɔː ngǫǫ
្ច c cɑː cąą
្ឆ tʃʰ cʰɑː chąą
្ជ c cɔː cǫǫ
្ឈ dʒʱ cʰɔː chǫǫ
្ញ ɲ ɲ ɲɔː ñǫǫ
្ដ ʈ ɗ ɗɑː dąą
្ឋ ʈʰ tʰɑː thąą
្ឌ ɖ ɗ ɗɔː dǫǫ
្ឍ ɖʱ tʰɔː thǫǫ
្ណ ɳ n nɑː nąą
្ត t tɑː tąą
្ថ t̪ʰ tʰɑː thąą
្ទ t tɔː tǫǫ
្ធ d̪ʱ tʰɔː thǫǫ
្ន n n nɔː nǫǫ
្ប p ɓ ɓɑː bąą
្ផ pʰɑː phąą
្ព b p pɔː pǫǫ
្ភ pʰɔː phǫǫ
្ម m m mɔː mǫǫ
្យ j j jɔː yǫǫ
្រ r r rɔː rǫǫ
្ល l l lɔː lǫǫ
្វ ʋ ʋ ʋɔː vǫǫ
្ឝ ʃ s sɑː sąą
ឞ* ្ឞ ʂ s sɑː sąą
ស* ្ស s s sɑː sąą
្ហ h h hɑː hąą
្ឡ ɭ l lɑː ląą
្អ - ʔ ʔɑː (')ąą

Unlike Sanskrit and Pali, Khmer does not make a phonetic distinction between retroflex and dental consonants.

The two glottalized implosives /ɗ/ and /ɓ/ can vary with normal voice plosives /d/ and /b/.

វ can vary between /ʋ/ and /w/.

ឞ* and ស* are rare, used for transcribing Indic words.

The apostrophe used in Lexx Rom for glottal initial អ can be omitted at the beginning of the word, but should be used if within a word.

From the above, one can see that generally speaking, ancestrally voiceless initials induced Ą Series vowels, and ancestrally voiceless initials induced Ǫ Series vowels. However, there are exceptions, as Khmer reutilized some duplicate letters to serve as the alternate vowel series:
The unaspirated retroflex plosives ដ and ឌ are repurposed for /ɗ/ Ą Series and Ǫ Series.
The retroflex nasal ណ is repurposed for /n/ Ą Series to complement ន Ǫ Series.
The retroflex lateral ឡ is repurposed for /l/ Ą Series to complement ល Ǫ Series.
ប is used as a base letter for /ɓ/ in the Ą Series.

Even with the repurposing of these letters, there still remains some gaps where a consonant sound is missing one of the two complementary series. To meet this need, there are two superscript letters in the Khmer script ៉ and ៊ that can go on top of a base consonant letter to switch its vowel series to the other series. ៉ switches the vowel series to Ą Series, and ៊ switches the vowel series to Ǫ Series.

Series-Shifting Consonant Letters

Consonant IPA Vowel Series Lexx Rom
ង៉ ŋ ŋɑː ngąą
ញ៉ ɳ ɳɑː ñąą
ប៉ p pɑː pąą
ប៊ b bɔː bǫǫ
ម៉ m mɑː mąą
យ៉ j jɑː yąą
រ៉ r rɑː rąą
វ៉ ʋ ʋɑː vąą
ស៊ s sɔː sǫǫ
ហ៊ h hɔː hǫǫ
អ៊ ʔ ʔɔː (')ǫǫ

Note that the letter ប can take both ៉ and ៊, due to it originally being an ancestral p in Indic as well as being repurposed in its base form to cover glottalized /ɓ/.

Some sonorant letters can also take an h in front of them to switch their vowel series from Ǫ Series to Ą Series, as an etymological spelling.

Consonant Glyphs IPA Vowel Series Lexx Rom
ហ្ន h+n n nɑː nąą
ហ្ម h+m m mɑː mąą
ហ្ល h+l l lɑː ląą
ហ្វ h+v ʋ ʋɑː vąą

There are also some other supplemental consonant letters that utilize an <h> letter in front of another letter to transcribe sounds that entered Khmer through modern loanwords.

Supplemental Consonant Letters

Consonant Glyphs IPA Vowel Series Lexx Rom
ហ្គ h+g ɡ ɡɑː gąą
ហ្គ៊ h+g+៊ ɡ ɡɔː gǫǫ
ហ្វ h+v f fɑː fąą
ហ្វ៊ h+v+៊ f fɔː fǫǫ
ហ្ស h+s z, ʒ zɑː, ʒɑː ząą, zhąą
ហ្ស៊ h+s+៊ z, ʒ zɔː, ʒɔː zǫǫ, zhǫǫ

Note that the usage of ហ្វ for transcribing /f/ means that this glyph does double duty, being used for /ʋɑː/ originally, but in modern loanwords (from French, English, etc.) indicating /fɑː/ instead.


For every rime diacritic, learners must remember the vowel separately for the Ą Series consonants and the Ǫ Series consonants (or when there is no difference). As mentioned above, with no rime diacritic, the default rime for the Ą Series consonants is /ɑː/, and the default rime for the Ǫ Series consonants is /ɔː/.

Basic Rimes

Khmer Script Ą Series IPA Ą Series Lexx Rom Ǫ Series IPA Ǫ Series Lexx Rom
ɑː ąą ɔː ǫǫ
aa iːə iia̛
e ei i i
əj ơi ii
ə ơ ɨ ư
əɨ ơư ɨː ưư
o o u u
ou ou uu
ua̛ = =
aa̛ əː ơơ
ɨə ưa̛ = =
ia̛ = =
ei ei ee
ae ae ɛː ęę
aj ai ɨj ưi
ao ao oo
aw au ɨw ưu
ɑː ąą = =

Khmer is very particular with its vowel distinctions, so learners should take the time to practice them with native speakers.

Rimes with Coda

Khmer Script Ą Series IPA Ą Series Lexx Rom Ǫ Series IPA Ǫ Series Lexx Rom
ុំ om om um um
ɑm ąm um um
ាំ am am ŏəm oa̛m
ាំង ang eə̆ŋ ea̛ng
ah ah ĕəh ea̛h
ិះ eh eh ih ih
ឹះ əh ơh - -
ុះ oh oh uh uh
េះ eh eh ih ih
ើះ əh ơh - -
ែះ eh eh - -
ោះ ɑh ąh ŭəh ua̛h
a' eə̆ʔ ea'
ូវ əw ơu ɨw ưu
័រ ɔə ǫa̛ -
ិយ ii - -
័យ aj ai ɨj ưi
ា​់ eə̯, oə̯ ea̛◌, oa̛◌ - -

Typically, vowels with glottal stop/null initial consonant are attached to អ, but there are also independent vowel letters that are used mainly in spelling Indic words. The exact rime used for these letters can vary by word, so learners must learn them with each vocabulary item.

Independent Vowel Letters

Khmer Script IPA Lexx Rom
ʔə, ʔɨ, ʔəj ơ, ư, ơi
ʔəj ơi
ʔo, ʔu, ʔao o, u, ao
ឨ* ʔok ok
ʔou, ʔuː ou, uu
ʔəw ơu
rɨː rưư
lɨː lưư
ʔae, ʔɛː, ʔeː ae, ęę, ee
ʔaj ai
ឱ, ឲ ʔao ao
ʔaw au

ឨ is no longer used in modern Khmer.