Jiangnanese (Shanghai)

Shanghainese is the most spoken variety of Jiangnanese, and it served as the lingua franca koine among Jiangnanese speakers during the 19th and 20th centuries before the promotion of Standard Mandarin. The phonology of Shanghainese is overall quite streamlined compared to its predecessor Suzhounese, and the amount of influence from Mandarin is also higher compared to Suzhounese.

Shanghainese accents vary slightly by accent and district; the middle-aged urban accent is generally taken as the base


IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
p 比布幫北 b
怕拼胖劈 p
b 步拌盆拔 bh
m 美悶梅門 m
f 夫飛粉福 f
v 扶犯服浮 v
t 多膽懂德 d
拖透聽鐵 t
d 地同奪獨 ㄉ゚ dh
n 拿囡內男 n
l 流拉賴領 l
ts 煮轉增質 z
tsʰ 處淺倉出 c
s 書松色說 s
z 茶樹從石 ㄙ゚ zz
雞舉精腳 j
tɕʰ 去丘輕切 q
旗就羣劇 jh
ɲ 粘扭泥牛 ny
ɕ 修宣血曉 x
ʑ 謝徐秦絕 ㄒ゚ xh
k 古干公夾 g
開鉛擴康 k
g 葵環共軋 gh
ŋ 砑我外鵝 ng
h 花漢荒忽 h
ɦ 鞋閒豪紅 𠂋 hh
ɦ(i) / ɦ(y) 移雨野用 y
ɦ(u) 胡橫王黃 𠄡 w
(∅) 衣愛灣鴨 (∅) (∅)

In the Wu Chinese language branch, the voice quality of the initial consonant is important in determining the tonal behavior of the syllable, and therefore learners must learn which consonants are voiceless and which initial consonants are voiced. In traditional Chinese linguistics as well as in pedagogical materials, these two categories are named after the two halves of the Yin-Yang, so the voiceless initials are called Yin and voiced initials are called Yang.

Voiced (Yang) initials are <bh, m, v, dh, n, l, zz, jh, ny, xh, gh, ng, hh, y, w>. The other initials are unvoiced (Yin).


Plain Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
ɿ 知次住 ii
i 基錢微 i
u 波歌做 u
y 居女羽 ü
a 太柴鞋 a
ia 野寫亞 ㄧㄚ ia
ua 怪淮娃 ㄨㄚ ua
ɛ 雷來蘭 e
廿械也 ㄧㄝ ie
回慣彎 ㄨㄝ ue
ɔ 寶朝高 o
條蕉搖 ㄧㄛ io
o ~ ʊ 花摸蛇 oo
ɤ 斗丑狗 eu
流尤休 ㄧㄜ ieu
ø 干最亂 Ұ oe
官歡緩 ㄨҰ uoe
園軟權 ㄩҰ üoe
姆畝嘸 m
ŋ̍ 五魚午 ng
ɚ 而爾耳 eur

Some speakers also distinguish an additional rime <ei> from <e>, this was present in Shanghainese accent spoken by the elderly generation but had dropped out in the middle-aged accent, and has now reappeared in the speech of some of the younger generations due to influence from Standard Mandarin. It is not indicated in Lexx Rom, but in general the guiding principle is that a character with rime <e> that is pronounced with <ei> in Standard Mandarin can be pronounced with <ei> in this younger accent of Shanghainese as well.

Nasal Coda Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
ã ~ aŋ 冷長硬 an
iã ~ iaŋ 良象陽 ㄧㄤ ian
uã ~ uaŋ 橫光況 ㄨㄤ uan
ɑ̃ ~ ɑŋ 黨放忙 on
iɑ̃ ~ iɑŋ ㄧㆲ ion
uɑ̃ ~ uɑŋ 廣狂況 ㄨㆲ uon
ən 奮登論 ㇒ㄣ eun
uən 困魂溫 ㄨ㇒ㄣ ueun
緊靈人 ㄧㄣ in
均雲訓 ㄩㄣ ün
ʊŋ 翁蟲風 卜ㄥ oun
iʊŋ 窮榮濃 ㄧ卜ㄥ ioun

The nasal coda in Shanghainese as in most of the Wu Chinese branch does not have a distinction by place of articulation (unlike Standard Mandarin's distinction between -n and -ng, or Standard Cantonese's distinction between -m, -n, and -ng). In some rimes it can vary in surface realization between nasalization of the rime and a lightly articulated nasal consonant.

The <on>, <ion>, <uon> rimes merge into the <an>, <ian>, <uan> rimes in the speech of younger generations.

Checked Coda Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
辣麥客 ㄚㆷ ah
iaʔ 藥腳略 ㄧㄚㆷ iah
uaʔ 挖划刮 ㄨㄚㆷ uah
əʔ 舌色割 ㇒ㆷ euh
uəʔ 活擴骨 ㄨ㇒ㆷ ueuh
iɪʔ 筆亦吃 ㄧ㇒ㆷ ieh
yɪʔ 血缺悅 ㄩ㇒ㆷ üeh
ʊʔ 北郭目 卜ㆷ ouh
iʊʔ 肉浴玉 ㄧ卜ㆷ iouh

The <euh>, <ueuh> rimes generally merge with the <ah>, <uah> rimes in the speech of younger generations.


IPA Tone Name Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
˥˧ Yinping 刀東知金 ㄚˋ à
˧˦ Yinqu 島懂至進 ㄚˊ á
˩˧ Yangshu 道洞字近 ㄚˏ
˥ Yinru 百督骨血 ㄚㆷˉ āh
˩˨ Yangru 白毒活月 ㄚㆷˏ a̗h
Neutral (unmarked) a

Shanghainese can get by with minimal tone indication (as needed for exceptions). The initial consonant determines the tone of the syllable. Voiced consonants indicate that the syllable is a Yang tone (except in rare occasions where diacritic indicates otherwise); other initials indicate that the syllable is a Yin tone.

Syllables with ending -h (glottal stop) are Ru tone syllables; the Yinru tone syllables are those with a Yin initial (unvoiced) while the Yangru tone syllables are those with a Yang initial (voiced).

Yinping tone is always indicated, as à. The other four tones can be inferred by the Yin-Yang nature of the initial consonant as well as the presence or absence of Ru tone coda -h, and can therefore be omitted from writing.

However, in some rare circumstances, certain Yang initials of the sonorant class ( m, n, l, ny, ng) can take Yin tones instead of the expected default Yang tone; in these cases the tone diacritic will be marked explicitly, such as Yinping 蠻 (mè) and Yinqu 美 (mé) in contrast with default Yangshu 梅 (me). Phonetically, there is also some slight constriction of the glottis with the sonorant initial when it takes these higher tones, but this is not necessary to indicate in the case of Shanghainese.

Example Sentences

Shanghainese Lexx Rom
今朝天氣蠻好。 Jìnzo tìqi mèho.
儂從啥地方來? Noun zzoun sadhifon le?
我肚皮餓。 Ngu dhubhi ngu.
伊是美國人。 Yi zzii mégouhnin.