Hakka (Meixian)

Hakka is a Sinitic language from the tri-province border region between southern Jiangxi, northern Guangdong, and western Fujian. Due to subsequent migrations, there are also Hakka speakers scattered around various other provinces and regions of South China, even as far west as Sichuan, and Hakka Chinese make up a prominent diaspora in Southeast Asia as well as the Americas.

The name Hakka for this language is actually of relatively recent origin, and it became the dominant name for the language after Hakka speakers migrated further southwards into Yue Cantonese region, where the name (literally meaning "guest families") came to be used to referred to speakers of this particular Chinese variety from the northern Guangdong/western Fujian/southern Jiangxi region to distinguish them and their language variety from the local language variety. Over time, most Hakka Chinese took up this term as their own endonym, though in parts of southern Jiangxi (where the Hakka originated), many people who speak the Hakka language just refer to themselves as the locals, as they are not really the "guest families" to that region and there is no other local community with whom to contrast themselves.

Within the core Hakka region (where Hakka is spoken as the primary local language), the Meixian (梅縣) area of Meizhou prefecture in northeastern Guangdong is often considered to be the most prototypical and representative Hakka variety; the Sixian Hakka spoken in Taiwan is also very similar to Meixian Hakka. The majority of Hakka varieties outside the core Hakka tri-province border region such as in Hainan, Sichuan, Guangxi or outside of China stem from migrations out of the northeastern Guangdong region, so learning a Hakka variety of this type (whether Meixian, Sixian, or another similar variety) will give the most coverage in communication ability.

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
p 巴補 b
扒配 p
m 馬尾 m
f 花夫 f
v 蛙文 v
t 打端 d
他豆 t
n 拿迎 n
l 拉路 l
ts 遮祖 z
tsʰ 叉鄭 c
s 沙蘇 s
ɲ 惹耳 ny
k g
揩共 k
ŋ ng
h 哈何 h


Plain Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
ɿ 資世租數 (ㄭ) ii
i 姨比威居 i
u 布路手故 u
a 鴉華茶架 a
ia 野爹謝惹 ㄧㄚ ia
ua 瓜寡掛誇 ㄨㄚ ua
e 欸穢細個 e
ie 迆蝓掖其 ㄧㄝ ie
ue ㄨㄝ ue
o 屙煲多傻 o
io 喲掿茄靴 ㄧㄛ io
uo 果裹粿過 uo
ai 矮賣底蔡 ai
iai 挨椰皆解 ㄧㄞ iai
uai 乖拐怪快 ㄨㄞ uai
ɔi 愛梅衰開 ㄛㄧ oi
ui 對內鬼偽 ㄨㄧ ui
iui 蕤銳睿 ㄧㄨㄧ iui
au 澳茅草靠 ao
iau 搖秒料小 ㄧㄠ iao
ɛu 歐否頭走 ㄝㄨ eo
iɛu 狗夠口藕 ㄧㄝㄨ ieo
iu 游柳酒舅 ㄧㄨ iu
你嗯 n
ŋ̍~n̩ 魚吳五伍 ng

Nasal Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
am 暗範潭占 am
iam 炎點尖染 ㄧㆰ iam
ɛm 鵪蹬森含 ㄝ宀 em
əm 針枕深甚 ㇒宀 eum
im 音凜尋金 ㄧ宀 im
an 恁半戰限 an
ian 冤見犬眼 ㄧㄢ ian
uan 關慣款擐 ㄨㄢ uan
ɛn 恩朋免跟 ㄝㄣ en
iɛn 鞭電煎選 ㄧㄝㄣ ien
uɛn 耿炯狺亙 ㄨㄝㄣ uen
ɔn 安碗卵酸 on
iɔn 軟阮吮旋 ㄧ干 ion
uɔn 官管罐灌 ㄨ干 uon
ən 珍稱陣神 ㇒ㄣ eun
in 姻品定進 ㄧㄣ in
un 本魂俊昆 ㄨㄣ un
iun 雲均芹忍 ㄧㄨㄣ iun
罌邦冷聲 ang
iaŋ 影名請迎 ㄧㄤ iang
uaŋ 桄咣𬞅礦 ㄨㄤ uang
ɔŋ 幫燙上抗 ong
iɔŋ 養放亮槍 ㄧㆲ iong
uɔŋ 光挄廣狂 ㄨㆲ uong
ʊŋ 蒙鐘雙公 卜ㄥ oung
iʊŋ 用龍踪弓 ㄧ卜ㄥ ioung

Checked Rimes

IPA Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
ap 鴨法蠟盒 ㄚㆴ ap
iap 葉貼妾夾 ㄧㄚㆴ iap
ɛp 擫粒澀瑟 ㄝㆴ ep
əp 執汁濕十 ㇒ㆴ eup
ip 邑立集入 ㄧㆴ ip
at 閼活達舌 ㄚㆵ at
iat 乙潔月穴 ㄧㄚㆵ iat
uat 刮括闊咵 ㄨㄚㆵ uat
ɛt 嗝北踢色 ㄝㆵ et
iɛt 別鐵絕雪 ㄧㄝㆵ iet
uɛt 國摑 ㄨㄝㆵ uet
ɔt 發脫刷割 ㄛㆵ ot
iɔt ㄧㄛㆵ iot
uɔt ㄨㄛㆵ uot
ət 質拆侄食 ㇒ㆵ eut
it 益筆特隙 ㄧㆵ it
ut 不禿律骨 ㄨㆵ ut
iut 鬱屈 ㄧㄨㆵ iut
ak 鈪麥石客 ㄚㆶ ak
iak 搤壁錫逆 ㄧㄚㆶ iak
uak 𥕏砉榼 ㄨㄚㆶ uak
ɔk 惡莫托學 ㄛㆶ ok
iɔk 約縛腳學 ㄧㄛㆶ iok
uɔk ㄨㄛㆶ uok
ʊk 屋毒粥焗 卜ㆶ ouk
iʊk 育六足肉 ㄧ卜ㆶ iouk


IPA Tone Category Examples Zhuyin LexxRom
˦ ~ ˧ 陰平 Yinping ㄚ˫
˩ 陽平 Yangping ㄚ˪
˧˩ 陰上 Yinshang ㄚˎ
˥˧ 陰去 Yinqu ㄚˋ à
˩ 陰入 Yinru ㄚㆶ˪ a̩(ptk)
˥ 陽入 Yangru ㄚㆶˉ ā(ptk)